
This is my first blog, so I thought it would be appropriate to speak of beginnings. This is the beginning of my thoughts on art, creativity, peace/justice, and spirituality. The word genesis carries with it the meaning of beginning, and it speaks not of the beginning of God but God’s beginning with us. God is a God of revelation and the first way They chose to reveal Themselves to us is as Creator. I don’t believe the Divine Initiator does anything without a purpose, with first things carrying a special importance and weight.

Creation reveals the heart of the Creator even as my created works reveal something of my heart and character, who I am. If you look at only one of my creations, it will give insights into what I value and what touches my heart. However, if you look at three or four of my works, you’ll have an even better idea. Should you look at everything I’ve created, you’d have a more complete picture of who I am, and should we meet we’d have a place to start from with a framework from which I could fill in the gaps. So too with God. In Their creation, I see one who gives care to the details, I see One who loves variety, one who cares not just for a minimalist existence but one that is full of vitality and life.  I create because I have been created like The Creator, I bear Their image. My desire is that my art not be “Christian” art but that my art reflects in some way my pilgrimage to walk as one who claims to follow Creator God. I admit that at times I do better than at other times, but I am definitely on a journey, living with the tension of the already and the not yet.

I love the fact that the first part of the recorded story starts in a garden with all different kinds of trees, animals, birds, and fishes. They could have chosen to reveal themselves in so many ways but chose to use the creation of an incredibly diverse garden for our first glimpse. How wonderful is that? When you look at something created it is not always apparent whether the one who created it is young or old, male or female, married or single, black or brown, short or tall, long-haired or short, all you see is a work of art that touches your soul. I am on a journey. Part of that journey involves me being touched by the Creator time and time again. God’s love, their way of seeing, their heart, being revealed to me and being created and recreated in me. I invite you to join me on this journey of revelation and creativity.



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